Using Activities2Go, schools can easily create and manage any kind of activity, from sport and athletics, to volunteering and music. These activities can be created as fixtures, multi-date activities, and incursions.
Create and Manage Activities

Using Activities2Go, schools can easily create and manage any kind of activity, from sport and athletics, to volunteering and music. These activities can be created as fixtures, multi-date activities, and incursions.
The Activities2Go dashboard enables schools to record activity results, history, and attendance details for the efficient management of extracurricular activities
Activities2Go enables staff to create and manage all types of extracurricular activities, from athletics and team sports to music and volunteering.
Using Activities2Go, staff can easily manage service providers, transport, and locations. Staff can send messages and attachments, with communications logged for record keeping compliance.
Activities2Go assists schools with navigating the increasingly complex environment of extracurricular risk, engendered by new activities, third party providers, and environments away from school grounds.